The way we communicate can open doors. When we use ASL in early childhood such as baby signing, we help children grasp early concepts.
“Once I accidentally stepped back on my son when I was preparing dinner. He was very young. He liked to be very close to me. He was too old for a baby carrier but too young to stand on a chair next to me safely. When I accidentally bumped into my son, I will never forget the look of hurt and betrayal on his tiny face. Fortunately, since my son and I used sign, I was able to quickly sign the words ‘Accident’ and ‘Sorry.’ The look of relief that washed over his face was such a transformation. I could see his faith in humanity (and in me, his mother) was restored. I am so thankful for the gift of connection ASL with chidren provides.
ASL can be used to increase bonding and decrease frustration. By 18 months, my eldest son could show me he knew all his colors by signing them. I loved having the tools to help him share his inner life with me.”
-Eva Borho, Lifting Up Community Kindness Founder